About us

About us...

We love what we do...

The highest level of treatment is offered by a multidisciplinary team, consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counsellors and recovery assistants. Hillhouse is dedicated to each client and their individual journey to recovery. In addition to our group therapy, lectures and individual sessions ,we provide therapeutic activities essential to our program and the health of our clients such as trauma release exercise, meditation, music therapy, art therapy, gardening groups, mountain hikes and volunteer programs.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to create a continuously flowing river of care towards sustainable recovery, which slowly decreases in intensity, whilst recognizing the fact each client moves in a different pace, on a different river and uses different tools to help them on their life-long journey. We use evidence based and holistic ways to help them along their way.

Focussing on gradually letting go without sudden waterfalls where care stops and clients fall into an abyss, is what we believe in. When faced with a sudden end, fear kicks in and old habits return. We do not expect any client to have a certain speed of recovery, we do not expect any client to follow the same path, we do not expect any client to find the same tools helpful. We are just there to give them the tools we know so they can continue their path. 

We believe in a combination of evidence based an holistic approaches where the brain meets the soul, believing we cannot only teach people cognitively how to not relapse, but we also need to focus on cleansing their soul of deep rooted feelings of guilt, shame, fear for it is this baggage which causes them to collapse if they continue to carry it through out their life. 

Our Mission

We love helping people to find the door in their darkness in order to find a path to sustainable recovery

In our treatment we focus on allowing people to find their true self, without masks, manerizisms, defences. We try and create a safe environment to help them practice being vunerable as this is the first step towards the light. Shedding off your masks is necessary to find a sustainable recovery

Een man in een blauw pak en wit overhemd lacht

Our clinical team

At Hillhouse we love what we do & that is to provide you with the best possible treatment. We do that with the help of our extensive team of professionals, who willingly & lovingly assist you in your journey towards recovery.
Working with you, alongside you in this beautiful setting has always been my dream and to be able to help others get well is what gives me meaning.

David Mcnamara

Clinical Director

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Een weelderige groene heuvel met bomen en een blauwe lucht op de achtergrond.
At Hillhouse we love what we do & that is to provide you with the best possible treatment. We do that with the help of our extensive team of professionals, who willingly & lovingly assist you in your journey towards recovery.
Working with you, alongside you in this beautiful setting has always been my dream and to be able to help others get well is what gives me meaning.

Muhammed Jadaar


Een man met grijs haar lacht met zijn hand op zijn kin.
I have been working with clients in many different capacities in my years as an addictions specialist and I can honestly say being a part of the Hillhouse family is something truly special. At our facilities we cater to individual needs and I am personally very proud of being able to specialize in many different types of clients and their needs. 

Leigh Petersen

Clinical Manager

Een vrouw met donker haar lacht naar de camera
At Hillhouse we love what we do & that is to provide you with the best possible treatment. We do that with the help of our extensive team of professionals, who willingly & lovingly assist you in your journey towards recovery.
Working with you, alongside you in this beautiful setting has always been my dream and to be able to help others get well is what gives me meaning.

Helen Kiewiedo

Psychiatric Nurse

Een vrouw die een jas draagt ​​met een hart erop
I love working at Hillhouse because the working environment is serene as well as the staff are very supportive of each other. Hillhouse is a home away from home & that is required since we spend eight hours of our day here. All staff are clearly here because they have a passion for this field & have the best interest of the client, which makes the work easier.
I love helping people because it’s my passion. I love to observe how individuals’ lives has changed & them realising it, is just wonderful as a social worker. When that happens, it’s a friendly reminder of why I entered this field.

Rafiequa Saban


Een vrouw met blond haar lacht en draagt ​​een blauw-wit gebloemd shirt.
I love working at Hillhouse because it is not only a beautiful environment but it also offers the right therapeutic environment with small groups and individual focus and attention to each client. The programme is designed to get to the deeper issues and foster true change to prepare clients for a life in recovery. 

I love helping individuals to develop self awareness and empower them through understanding their past and it’s impact on their present, as well as teaching them new skills and healthy effective ways to cope with life.

Jackie Opperman

Trauma specialist

Een vrouw draagt ​​een sjaal met luipaardprint en een naambordje
I love working at Hillhouse because with the 3-month program we get to spend an extended amount time with each client which enables us to love, show compassion and support them on their journey to recovery.
By taking care and helping others, I find my own joy

Kendall Amis

Group counselor

Een vrouw die een blauw vest en een blauwe ketting draagt, lacht
Working with clients is what I love to do and at Hillhouse I am able to work with our multi-disciplinary team to try and provide the best possible treatment for our clients. It's truly beautiful to see how we are able to make a difference in someone's path in life. 

Nasreen Hoosain

Occupational therapist

Een man die een grijs jasje draagt ​​met een hart erop
At Hillhouse we love what we do & that is to provide you with the best possible treatment. We do that with the help of our extensive team of professionals, who willingly & lovingly assist you in your journey towards recovery.
Working with you, alongside you in this beautiful setting has always been my dream and to be able to help others get well is what gives me meaning.

Chesray Esau


Een vrouw die een blauw vest en een blauwe ketting draagt, lacht
I think it's just so incredibly special what we do here. The only thing that we focus on is the question: "how can we help this client move forward?". We don't focus on just doing a standard program like others, but we really go out of the box in thinking of ways to help without any limitations and that works!

Mareldiah Achmat


Een man die een grijs jasje draagt ​​met een hart erop
I've worked in different organisations prior to coming to Hillhouse Clinics. What we do here, is really not comparable. What we do here is unique. Having the freedom as a counselor to actually be able to do whatever it takes to help our clients is amazing.

Gideon Williams


Een vrouw die een grijs jasje draagt ​​met een hart erop
Hillhouse is not like any other organisation I have worked for. It is special and tailors to the individual needs of every patient. Treatment for our patients should differ from individual to individual, because everyone has different needs and here at Hillhouse we put that into practice on a daily basis. 

Bryan Hellmann

Clinical Psychologist

Een man met een baard kijkt met een serieuze blik in de camera

Our Founder

The reason we have created Hillhouse Clinics is to be a force for good, to be that light in someone's darkness. For me, it's not just a job or a company. It is a calling which is deeply rooted within me after having lived a life of self-centredness and selfishness. For me, living a life of service and humility is how I feed my attitude of gratitude. 

Jeroen Decker


Our Company Support Team

I love working at Hillhouse Clinics because the company is about people - staff and clients alike. Hillhouse Clinics is a family business, not because we are blood related, but because we are placing the sustainable recovery of our clients as our highest priority.
I love helping others by creating a safe environment where employees and clients can flourish. I focus on matters like invoices, bills, compliance, contracts, salaries and accountants, so employees can focus on serving our clients as best they can.

Eben de Wit

Financial Manager

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Een vrouw in een geruit overhemd lacht en kijkt omhoog.
Een vrouw in een geruit overhemd lacht en kijkt omhoog.
I love working at Hillhouse. The people here are warm, friendly. We bond as a team very well and are considered equally appreciated, from director to manager and assistants: everyone is human. 

Sandisiwe Mvaba

Finance Assistant

Een vrouw die een jas draagt ​​met een hart erop
At Hillhouse we love what we do & that is to provide you with the best possible treatment. We do that with the help of our extensive team of professionals, who willingly & lovingly assist you in your journey towards recovery.
Working with you, alongside you in this beautiful setting has always been my dream and to be able to help others get well is what gives me meaning.

Nasreen Arendse


Een vrouw die een grijs shirt draagt ​​met een hart erop
It is an amazing experience working for such an international company with everything that is going on! I am happy to play a part in this beautiful journey of recovery for the many patients we see coming.

Tamkazi Ndeleni

Finance Assistant

Een man met een gestreepte trui lacht met zijn vuist in de lucht

Our Recovery Assistants

Trust me when I say: "We've been living the life you currently find yourself in & we got better!". Our recovery assistants team all have an addiction background and today we are proud to say we are recovering addicts. Here to guide you, help you and offer our support, we are always there to talk when you are going through difficult times. We've been there ourselves!

Shukri Arendse

RA & Facility Manager

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Een man met een roze shirt met de tekst li & co
Working at Hillhouse Clinics is a blessing, because there is so much passion amongst our team members to help our clients find recovery. I feel it's my personal responsibility to always try and guide our clients further into their path of sustainable recovery and help them through difficult times so they continue on that path.

Kirk van der Westhuizen

Recovery Assistant

Een vrouw met krullend haar lacht en draagt ​​een wit shirt
It is an absolute joy to work with the clients at hillhouse clinic. To see how people grow and change their life gives me hope. I am extremely grateful for working with an amazing team that helps to make a difference!!!

Carmen Abrahams

Recovery Assistant

Een man met een bril en een zwart shirt lacht naar de camera.
"Recovery starts when no one is looking!" At Hillhouse Clinics we pride ourselves in helping clients practice new behavior even when no one is looking, not because it's the right thing to do, but because the client starts to feel this is how they want to be: a new person with pure motives and strong recovery.

Emile Jones

Recovery Assistant

Een vrouw die een jas draagt ​​met een hart erop lacht
Working with clients gives me so much joy! Being able to help them and guide them through the difficult process of recovery from so much abuse to themselves and their loved ones around them. At Hillhouse I feel at home and part of our team where we all help each other to provide the best possible treatment for our clients and their families.

Ruwayda Jacobs

Recovery Assistant

Een vrouw met een bril en een groene sjaal lacht
The loving kindness we use to help our patients find recovery is amazing to see. We believe we should be the light in someone's darkness and we can always be that light. Everyone at Hillhouse practices that on a daily basis. 

Ayesha Samsodien

Recovery Assistant

Een vrouw met een bril en een jas met een hart erop
It is an absolute joy to work with the clients at hillhouse clinic. To see how people grow and change their life gives me hope. I am extremely grateful for working with an amazing team that helps to make a difference!!!

Jacqualine Scheepers

Recovery Assistant

Een vrouw die een zwart shirt draagt ​​met een hart erop
We help our client work through all of the emotions they may feel for the very first time whilst being sober. The beauty of recovery is that we start to feel, but it can also be completely overwhelming.

Nazlea Daniels

Recovery Assistant

Een man met een bril en een jas met een hart erop
I have worked in a lot of companies in my day, but the pure bliss and warmth of the community at Hillhouse warms my heart every time I arrive for work. For me, being part of this wonderful organisation gives me much joy and happiness in life.

Ikraam Arendse

Maintenance Guru

Our Operational Team

Looking after you is what I do together with our team of kitchen staff, groundsmen and housekeepers. For us it's important to make sure you are as comfortable as possible so you can focus on what you came here to do and that is to work on yourself.

Shameeg Domingo

Operational Manager

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Een man in een grijze trui denkt na met zijn hand op zijn kin
Een vrouw in een koksuniform lacht en kijkt omhoog
I think the best way to describe the way I feel about my work at Hillhouse Clinics and caring for the clients is: "gratitude". It is a very grateful feeling to be able to be there for clients and cater to their needs. We make sure our facilities are always in the best possible shape so clients can focus on the issues they need to resolve whilst being with us. 

Janine Tango

Kitchen Guru

Een man die een grijs shirt draagt ​​met een hart erop
Working at Hillhouse Clinics is a great experience for me. I feel appreciated and loved by my team members and that energy I also bring across to our clients. "If I am happy, then clients feel that". It's important for them to feel comforted and loved by each and every one of us. 

Elliot Nkhoma

Operational assistant

Een vrouw in een koksbuis lacht naar de camera.
Hillhouse is a magical place; from the team, to the surroundings, to the care and nurture of our clients. Each and every one of us go that extra mile to make sure clients have the best possible experience. I love being part of a very loving and caring team. 

Joanne Marinus

Kitchen Wizard

Een vrouw met een bril en een jas met een hart erop
It is an absolute joy to work with the clients at hillhouse clinic. To see how people grow and change their life gives me hope. I am extremely grateful for working with an amazing team that helps to make a difference!!!

Wardah Mc Nabb

Kitchen Wizard

Een man met een baard draagt ​​een jas met een hart erop
This place is amazing! The feeling you get when you go through the gates is one of endless love and pure joy. They heal people here and we are there to take care of those that need healing.

Simanye Twala

Operational assistant

Een man die een zwart jasje draagt ​​met een hart erop
I love this company! It is so different then other companies I have worked for. I have great co-workers and enjoy taking care of the clients so that they have a great experience while they are with us.

Caroline Tilongo

Operational assistant

Een man die een zwart jasje draagt ​​met een hart erop
Working at Hillhouse gives me great pride. I love it here. People are kind and welcoming. They truly mean when they say they want to be the light in someone's darkness. I can feel that each day I come to work.

Nathan van der Ster

Operational Assistant

Want be a part of our mission?

It's so awesome you are thinking about joining our mission! We always love to connect with you and see what you are all about. 

Please fill in the application form below & a manager will always contact you to see what we can do. 

Hillhouse Application Form
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